About Me

Highly motivated and dedicated Engineering Fresher with a strong educational background and a passion for innovation. Equipped with theoretical knowledge gained through academic coursework and practical experience gained from internships and projects. Excellent problem-solving skills and a proactive approach to learning and adapting to new technologies. Strong communication and teamwork abilities, with a proven track record of collaborating effectively in multidisciplinary environments. Seeking an opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of a dynamic engineering team.

  • Programming Languages
    JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, Java , C++
  • Full Stack Web Development
    Designing Full Stack Web Application with MERN (MongoDB ExpressJS ReactJS NodeJS)
  • Front End Web Development
    HTML, CSS, React JS, RTK , Axios, React Router DOM, MUI, BootStrap, Form hooks, WebPack, Babel JS, React Testing Library
  • Back End Web Development
    Node JS, NPM , NPX, Express JS , Winston, Morgan, Chalk, Chokidar, Express file upload, PassPortJS, NodeMailer, Mongoose, MongoDB, Deployment on AWS
  • BlockChain and Web3 Development
    Designing Decentralised Applications and standard Ethereum tokens (ERC-20 ERC721 NFT) | Solidity
  • 07/2023 - Current
    MERN Stack training at Brain Mentors - Build a CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) fullstack project (Notes Taking App) which has functionalities like add note, delete note, update note, user login and registration
  • 03/2023 - 04/2023
    Internship at Ybi Foundation in Machine Learning - Build a project on wine quality prediction using Support Vector Machine
  • 2020-2024
    B.tech in Computer Science and Engineering from Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology (AKTU) Ghaziabad - 8.5 SGPA
  • 2019
    Passed 12th from Gautam Public Sr. Sec. School Ghaziabad (CBSE) with 93.8%
  • 2017
    Passed 10th from Gautam Public Sr. Sec. School (CBSE) Ghaziabad with 9.6 CGPA

My Services

Front End Development

Designing and styling industry standard UI, fetching and processing data using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, MUI, ReactJS, BootStrap, firebase, fontawesome, CDN

Backend Development

Developing Backend of an application and connect to database using NodeJS, ExpressJS, Mongoose, MongoDB and Bcrypt for password hashing

Blockchain Development

Developing Decentralised Applications over Blockchain.

My Work

Fullstack Notes Taking App

Developed front end and backend of Notes Taking application which has Notes CRUD, User CRUD, build using MERN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS)

Notes Taking App JavaScript

Developed a Simple Notes Taking Application in JavaScript which has features like Add note, delete note, update note, save and load the note

Street Fighter 2D Game

Street Fighter is a 2D game build using Java, Swing, OOPs Concepts, In this game two players fight each other by kicking and other actions and their health also get affected

ERC-20 Token

Build an Standard ERC-20 Token which has functionalities of sending and receiving ethers and named it GammaToken

Wine Quality Prediction

Build A Machine Learning based project on Wine Quality Prediction using Support Vector Machine

Web Resume

Build this Web Resume Portfolio using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

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My Coding Profiles


Solved 30+ DSA Problems


Solved 100+ DSA Problems


Solved 170+ DSA problems

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